Cost Allocation and Settlement

Cost Allocation and Settlement

Solution overview

Allocating and settling indirect costs is a time-consuming and labour-intensive task. The ANEGIS Cost Allocation and Settlement module allows you to automate the process and let Dynamics 365 do the heavy lifting for you. Using lagging financial data leads to unreliable costs analysis. The module enables settlement with real-time data, allowing in-depth and accurate financial analysis.

Cost Allocation and Settlement module overview

The result of the cost accounting mechanism is a financial spreadsheet with transfers to financial accounts and/or projects.

The Cost Allocation and Settlement module provides the operational visibility necessary to make reliable analysis and informed decisions.

Cost Allocation and Settlement features

  • define any number of algorithms/keys for cost settlement
  • define deviation indicators
  • generate costs allocation/accounting allocation; post both to the general ledger as well as project transactions
  • perform settlement by source of main account and financial dimensions, into other financial dimensions
  • define the scope of accounts included in the specific definition of cost settlement
  • define the scope within the financial dimension
  • define non-financial keys (kilometre, hour, metre, etc.)
  • define formulas with which to perform cost settlement
  • distribute account balances (e.g. purchase costs, deviations) according to the proportion of materials used
  • generate in the general ledger an unrecorded financial spreadsheet with an appropriate allocation of costs in account records/projects
  • define the order of calculations according to definition (stage queue) – building sets containing several calculations arranged by the specific conversion logic
  • generate calculation results to a selected table, e.g. valuation sheet, rate table
"Based on our cooperation, we confirm the experience, professionalism and realibility of ANEGIS employees. We recommend this vendor as a reliable business partner."
Ewa Franczak
Group Information Systems Manager, Nicols
"ANEGIS provided excellent support for our Dynamics AX Parent Company finance installation. Their consultants are top quality, highly effective professionals."
Marie Capes
Director of Finance and Administration, WPP London
"ANEGIS’ commitment and reliable approach were a key factor in our decision to work with them, and they continue to deliver in an effective and timely mannner."
Neil Hammond
IT Director, BUUK Infrastructure
"Our go-live was successful! Thank you to all of you. Let me repeat that I am really thankful!"
Dr. Rick Dannert
Project Manager, New Yorker
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